Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Task 1:
 Now answer the following questions:
1. What type of meeting is the agenda for? That is one- on- one meeting.
2. Who are the participants? School staff.
3. What is the purpose of the meeting? To plan fundraising activities for spring term
4. How long do you think it is going to be? About 2 hours.
5. How can the participants prepare for the meeting? Set up committees and assign responsibilities

Task 3:

1. Is Richard progressing well in school? Yes it is.
2. What specific comments about Richard’s performance does the teacher make? His writing increased.
3. What four questions did the parents ask? They asked about his homework, his relationship, after school program, some part of his report card. 
4. What information do the parents give the teacher about their son? he has written different in China, she reads book for him every evening.
5. What suggestions does the teacher give to help Richard do better in school? He asked them to contact with him.
6. How does the meeting end? Teacher shake their hands and said nice to meet you.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Task 1:
Listen to this link  and then fill in the blanks with the missing words as you listen to the audio.

Lon: What’s this? 

Abigail: It’s a memo about a safety inspection scheduled for next week. 

Lon: A safety inspection? How are we ever going to pass a safety inspection? 

Abigail: What do you mean? This isn't an unsafe workplace. We've had a good record. None of our employees have had on the job. Injury this year and we’ve never had a fatality I don’t understand why you’re so worried.
Lon: From what I've heard, the inspectors don’t just look at injury rates. They look for the smallest as hazard that may be remotely dangerous If we get cited, we may be …shut down.
Abigail: With all do respect, I don’t think that’s how it works. Yes, the inspector will look at our work environment and our gear and machinery to make sure there are no hazards or toxic substances. 

Lon: That’s what I’m worried about. 

Abigail: But, if they find a violation, we’ll get a chance to fix the problem. They won’t shut us down without giving us a chance to comply with their safety standard.

Lon: I sure hope you’re right. 

Abigail: Me, too. We’ll know after next week’s inspection. 

Task 2:
Check with your peers for the right answers. 

Posted by hala mounier at 

Friday, November 21, 2014

1. Task one: Write one or two paragraphs about a person who has influenced your life. Use appropriate pronoun references to make the paragraph coherent.

Surely in everyone's life, there are some people or something  that they have been influenced in the rest of their life. The person, who influenced in my life, are my parent. They taught me how to give love to others, being honest, being polite, and being respectful.They made my personality. I love them, and I hope to follow  them, and transfer to my kid.

My first day in Canada I have just came off plane.I finally have arrived and brought all my dreams here in Canada. I didn't know much about Canada, but I knew exactly that looked like USA at least about life and culture. the Montreal airport was very beautiful, big and modern. Suddenly felt lonely in this strange world and kind of disappointed because it was not like as things I expected before. There were so many people around me, and they seemed to be in hurry, but I didn't know why.
Out of the airport, in the afternoon,it was hot and humidity but air was really fresh. I was fallowing my friend to a parking, then I put my luggage into the car and started a trip to Toronto where I will live in years.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dear Ms. Mina
I am very glad for meeting with me this morning for the opportunity as a child car assistant at the NAZI Daycare. I would like to stress my interest in the situation and in your company.
After my interview, I believe I am good fit for child car assistant in you company. I would like to stress my 3 years experience as a babe sit in Canada and my education in YORKDALE adult school. In addition to my skill and experience, I have the enthusiasm and energy required to excl in this position.
I look forward to hearing good news from you, regarding my application. Please feel free to contact me require further information.
Fahimeh Dadashnejad

Thank you for the opportunity, you gave me in my first interview. That was a excellent experience for me. I learn a lot that could help me to next interview and I should study more about this position.
Beast Regard

Fahimeh  dadashnejad

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

list all the Dos and Don'ts which the interviewer has mentioned

Be  on time
Don’t wear large Jewry –bright color –too much make up-
Make sure your neatly dressed up
Do not wear too much perfume
Stand up and greet your interviewer
Don’t make  boon crash handshakes
Eye contact and smile
Don’t say your life story

Bring a copy of your resume
Don’t chow  game

Turn off your cellophane
Don’t ask about salary
Ask for your interviewer’s

10 most annoying gestures during a job interview.
Gum chewing.
Hair twirling.
Avoiding eye contact
Knee jiggling or finger drumming.
Playing with your pen
Checking your cellphone.
Nail biting
Picking at, rubbing, or scratching any part of your body.
Waving your hands while speaking.

list all the Dos and Don'ts which the interviewer has mentioned

list all the Dos and Don'ts which the interviewer has mentioned

Be  on time
Don’t wear large Jewry –bright color –too much make up-
Make sure your neatly dressed up
Do not wear too much perfume
Stand up and greet your interviewer
Don’t make  boon crash handshakes
Eye contact and smile
Don’t say your life story

Bring a copy of your resume
Don’t chow  game

Turn off your cellophane
Don’t ask about salary
Ask for your interviewer’s

10 most annoying gestures during a job interview.
Gum chewing.
Hair twirling.
Avoiding eye contact
Knee jiggling or finger drumming.
Playing with your pen
Checking your cellphone.
Nail biting
Picking at, rubbing, or scratching any part of your body.
Waving your hands while speaking.
list all the Dos and Don'ts which the interviewer has mentioned

Be  on time
Don’t wear large Jewry –bright color –too much make up-
Make sure your neatly dressed up
Do not wear too much perfume
Stand up and greet your interviewer
Don’t make  boon crash handshakes
Eye contact and smile
Don’t say your life story

Bring a copy of your resume
Don’t chow  game

Turn off your cellophane
Don’t ask about salary
Ask for your interviewer’s

10 most annoying gestures during a job interview.
Gum chewing.
Hair twirling.
Avoiding eye contact
Knee jiggling or finger drumming.
Playing with your pen
Checking your cellphone.
Nail biting
Picking at, rubbing, or scratching any part of your body.
Waving your hands while speaking.

Monday, October 27, 2014

                                                             The Culture Show
Today we have culture show in our class. Everybody have made a dish of traditional food.  I mad some salad.First I cooked my pasta in boiling  water .Then I cut red, green and orange pepper,cucumber pickle, carrot and salary. I add some corn, brockly, green beans. After that I mixed all vegetables with my pasta. At last I add some maunes. It's not our traditional food, but it is popular food in this day's.

Friday, October 24, 2014

                                                                    Culture shock
Okay I'm going to shear my first days experience in Canada. we arrived in Canada on September 2011 in Montreal.On that time I feared from new word that I chooses. First stop after pick up our luggage  was immigrant office. we met a kind old lady who helped us a lot. We stay four days in Montreal . Then we came to Toronto. We settled at the luxury's apartment that rented  by our Friend . That was very good but too small that was our stage 1. Now we needed to find another  apartment close to my son's school and some furniture. That was stage 2.It took the time about 6 mounts.Now after tree years I am in stage 4. And I always give advice to my Friends "being patient and making communication and doing something to make busy yourself

Okay, I'm going to share my first day’s experience in Canada. We arrived in Canada on September, 2011 in Montreal. On that time I feared from new words that I chose. First stop after picking up our luggage was the immigration office. We met a kind old lady who helped us a lot. We stayed four days in Montreal. Then we came to Toronto. We settled down at the luxury's apartment that was rented by our friend. That was very good but too small that was our first stage. Now we needed to find another apartment close to my son's school and some furniture. That was the second stage. It took about 6 months. Now after three years I am in the fourth stage.  And I always give advice to my friends "being patient and making communication and doing something to keep yourself busy.  Edit by,  Yu Liu and Mandana

Monday, October 6, 2014





Some high school


Experience an asset

Transportation/Travel Information

Public transportation is available

Type of Work Experience

Alterations; Tailoring

Area of Specialization


Specific Skills

Operate sewing machines or sew by hand

Work Location Information

In shop

Essential Skills

Communication; Working with others; Problem solving; Decision making

Other Information

CAREER FAIR: HARRY ROSEN, a quality menswear retailer: HIRING: Must have 5 years experience in tailoring mens jackets, pants, shirts.



Harry Rosen Inc.

Web Site:


By e-mail:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sept. 29.2014 task

b) What Major Group is the Sales Clerk occupation listed under? It is in Major Group 64
c) What types of occupations are within this Major Group (represented by the three-digit code)?

Sales representatives and salespersons - wholesale and retail trade

2. What is the four-digit NOC code for a Sales Clerk? It is 6421
3. Click on the NOC code for the Sales Clerk and read the NOC description. What kind of information can you get from the NOC description?
4. Read the example titles in the NOC description. Do you think knowing these titles can be useful in your job search? How?
5. Read the main duties in the NOC description. List the duties you think are most relevant to this position.
6. How and where do you think you could use the statements about job duties?
7. How could you use the other information included in the NOC description (e.g., employment
requirements and additional information)?
8. The information under Classified elsewhere lists related occupations. Choose one and click on its NOC code to view its NOC description. Compare the main duties with those of the Sales Clerk. How are they similar or different?
B- Find the NOC code for an occupation that interests you. Read the NOC description for this
occupation. Prepare a short presentation for the class about this occupation. Include related job
titles, main duties and employment requirements.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are
1. Fundamental Freedoms
2. Democratic Rights
3. Mobility Right
4. Legal Right
5. Equality
6. Official Language Right
7. Multicultural Right
8. Minority Language Education Right
9. Aboriginal Right
I  came to Canada, because I wanted to live in the civilized and freedoms country. And I think it is good for my son's education.

Friday, May 16, 2014

 These acronyms stand for:                                    
RRSP: Registered Retirement Saving Plans
TSFA: Tax Free Saving Account
RESP: Registered Education Saving Plan
I choose RRSP

Thursday, May 15, 2014

NEWSER) – One boy remains in a medically induced coma with head trauma and another is recovering from multiple broken bones after the bounce house they were playing in took flight on a strong gust of wind, reports the Glens Falls Post-Star in upstate New York. It happened Monday afternoon, when the boys, ages 5 and 6, were swept away while inside the inflatable house. They fell from a distance of least 15 feet, with the boy who's in a coma landing on a parked car and the other boy landing on a street. A 10-year-old girl fell out soon after the house went up and suffered only minor scrapes.
                                                          FINANCIAL POST

     Accele Rate Financial           1 year           2.250
    Oaken Financial                   2 year           2.350
    OUTLOOK                        3 year           2.500
    OUTLOOK                        4 year           2.250
    Oaken Financial                   5 year           3.050

Monday, May 12, 2014


                                                 TRUE OR FALSE

Friday, May 9, 2014

Finally we passed winter and now we are ready for picnic,beach and barbecue.There are some grills here for your backyard. Rona have some grills on sale with 10% off. You can buy one from $329 to $559.And in  Walmart it starts from $118 up to $398.But you can save $50 all grills are on sale from
$199.99 to 249.99. Which one do you choose? Don't be late.
Roy Thomson Hall concert
Yesterday My  First, we went to the Roy  Thomson Hall.L I left my home at nine. First I drooped off my son at the school  and I drove to Don Mills station. I visited my friends there.We walked around and took some picture. I met Yizhen who studying in level 3.She come from China.I sat beside her.I never have had seen this kind of concert and I don't know how much work behind that.
                                             SUMMER IS COMING
Finally we passed winter and now we are ready for picnic,beach and barbecue.There are some grills here for your backyard. Rona have some grills on sale with 10% off. You can buy one from $329 to $559.And in  Walmart it starts from $118 up to $398.But you can save $50 all grills are on sale from
$199.99 to 249.99. Which one do you choose? Don't be late.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

                           Taking a Phone Message                                                                                 
Hi is Hala there? 
Could you tell her Fahimeh called and ask her to call me back as soon as she can.

Hello. can I speak to Ray?
Sorry she is out.
Could I leave a message?
Could you tell her I wonder see her on Don Mills station tomorrow.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Royal Ontario Museum

 last Friday, my friends went to the ROM. As you know ROM is stand for Royal Ontario Museum. But at that time I was busy with my friend's new born baby. I have been there last year with my family. That was very interesting. .My husband Loves animals, my son likes dinosaurs and I like  mummies. But in my opinion
the Rocks section is most attractive.

Friday, April 4, 2014

                                    Niagara  Falls Trip
Last week our class had field trip to Niagara Falls on Thursday March 27. Joseph told us we have to meet together at 8:30 at Don Mils subway station. Unfortunately I couldn't attend them ,because I have to drop of  my son to school at 8:55 and pick up him at 3:30.


May family and I love campping. We always making picnic when the wether is nice.For picnic we need 
a mat, some food and drink.Campping is deferant .We need more sttaf like tent, lightre, lantern, some simpel dish for cooking, like small pan, kettel,mugs, forks,(e.g).And soething for intertantmant as well, .like ball and badminton racket.On of important things is fist aid kit.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Canada Environment
I found Canada environment clean and beautiful. I always breath fresh air,without any pollution.
I can smell a speacial smell, I don't know what is that but I like that. Canada environment in the fall
is amazing.For keep our environment clean, we have to save trees and don't use car more.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ski Trip
On Feb.'14, our LINC School had a field trip to Earl Bales Ski Centre.
It is a small hill in the centre of a small forest. I missed Joseph's group in Chapters. I drove there by myself .
I met my friends at the cafeteria. Some people were busy because they wanted to get ready for skiing and some people were watching them. After one hour we went out to learn from Joseph something about putting on skis and how to ski.. At last we took a lots of pictures of the beautiful shiny white sow.That was a great day with a lots of fun.

Voice Record "padcast 717"

<div class="ab-player" data-boourl="" ><a href="">listen to &#x2018;Voice record &quot;padcast 717&quot;&#x2019; on Audioboo</a></div><script type="text/javascript">(function() { var po = document.createElement("script"); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();</script>

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Yesterday when I woke up, I couldn't see out because snow covered the window.I thought it's danger skying and I try check my Email.I was right,skying was postpone.I have to stay home and do my backlog.I enjoy staying home,drinking tea,watching TV and watching snowing from my couch also.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

my first day in level 4

In the first day of school I was very happy .But after break I  was really up sat.I can,t do my homework on that day.I try at home even but the result was nothing.I hope tomorrow  will be better.