Wednesday, April 30, 2014

                           Taking a Phone Message                                                                                 
Hi is Hala there? 
Could you tell her Fahimeh called and ask her to call me back as soon as she can.

Hello. can I speak to Ray?
Sorry she is out.
Could I leave a message?
Could you tell her I wonder see her on Don Mills station tomorrow.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Royal Ontario Museum

 last Friday, my friends went to the ROM. As you know ROM is stand for Royal Ontario Museum. But at that time I was busy with my friend's new born baby. I have been there last year with my family. That was very interesting. .My husband Loves animals, my son likes dinosaurs and I like  mummies. But in my opinion
the Rocks section is most attractive.

Friday, April 4, 2014

                                    Niagara  Falls Trip
Last week our class had field trip to Niagara Falls on Thursday March 27. Joseph told us we have to meet together at 8:30 at Don Mils subway station. Unfortunately I couldn't attend them ,because I have to drop of  my son to school at 8:55 and pick up him at 3:30.


May family and I love campping. We always making picnic when the wether is nice.For picnic we need 
a mat, some food and drink.Campping is deferant .We need more sttaf like tent, lightre, lantern, some simpel dish for cooking, like small pan, kettel,mugs, forks,(e.g).And soething for intertantmant as well, .like ball and badminton racket.On of important things is fist aid kit.